Monday, October 28, 2013

short and sweet

Sadie's email was short today.  She said that we should look for some real, old fashioned, snail mail letters from her this week....even better. I am a big fan of the kind of mail you can actually hold in your hand.  The best news was that Sadie got to see her cousin Clark (who's also serving in Houston).

Loved this one. 

And this one....Sadie said  this meat is from Samoa and it's actually pretty good (funny coming from one the pickiest eaters in our family, until now at least). 

And my favorite.

One short excerpt that I loved, in response to me asking Sadie what might like for Christmas....

Maybe for Christmas... or sooner haha... could I get a new memory card or two? Also for Christmas stamps and stationary would be AWESOME! Also please don't forget to do the Christmas Jar, please give it to someone who needs it and pray and fast about who you should give it to! That would be the best present ever!! 

Loved that she's thinking about others before herself. One of those "motherhood payoffs".

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